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Cold and flu season Temporada de influenza y resfriados

ALERT: Stay healthy this cold and flu season! Learn more

ALERTA: ¡Mantente sano durante esta temporada de influenza y resfriados! Más información

Young Adult Health Care

As your teen prepares for adulthood, it is important that you help them transition from child to adult care. As they become more independent, your teen needs to learn how to set up their own appointments, be responsible with their medications, and manage their own health care needs.

We hope you find the below information, tools and resources helpful in teaching your teen to be healthy and stay healthy as they become adults.  

Yearly Wellness Visits and Vaccinations

Wellness Visits:

Going to yearly wellness visits is one of the best ways to ensure your teen gets the care they need to be and stay healthy.

These checkups are a great opportunity for you and the provider to work as a team to educate your teen on staying healthy. These checkups are detailed medical examinations, which include:

  • Complete physical exams.
  • Vaccinations when needed.
  • Blood tests.
  • Vision and hearing tests.
  • Screenings.
  • And more!

Click here to view a schedule of the exams your teen should receive at each year of age.

Staying on top of your teen’s vaccines:

Though your teen is becoming more independent, it is still important that they receive their vaccinations on time. These vaccines protect your teen from diseases like meningitis, pneumonia, hepatitis, tetanus and even some types of cancer.

Our tip: Take your teen’s vaccine record with you to their wellness visit so you can make sure your teen is up-to-date on their vaccines.

Click here to learn more about the vaccines your teen should receive at each year of age.

Sexual Health

As many people become sexually active during their teen years, it is important that you educate your teen on staying healthy. Here are some topics to begin the conversation with your teen.

The teen years are a common time for people to begin to express their sexuality. Even if your teen is not sexually active, it is very important that they learn about safe sex at this age. Here are some resources that you can share with your teen to begin the conversation about safe sex practices:

It is strongly encouraged for teens of all genders to get sexual health screenings at an early age, especially if they are sexually active. For example, chlamydia is one of the most common STIs currently spreading among young adults in the United States.

The best options for ruling out STIs is getting an STI screening, cervical cancer screening and/or a pap smear during their annual routine checkup. Your teen’s PCP or OBGYN can address any questions or concerns.

Click here for more information on the prevention, screening and treatment of STIs.

UTIs are one of the most common infections among all genders from children to young adults. UTIs commonly, but not always, occur after sexual activity, so it is important that your teen understands their prevention and seeks treatment if they see symptoms. Here are some tips on preventing UTIs:

  • Drink plenty of water every day.
  • Urinate when necessary. Do not wait.
  • Take showers instead of tub baths.
  • Clean the genital area before and after sex, and urinate shortly after sex.

As teens become sexually active, they may find themselves or their partner to be pregnant. Texas Children’s Health Plan proudly serves children AND pregnant women, and we have many resources dedicated for our pregnant members. Click here to visit, our website for pregnant members.

Mental Wellness

If your teen has an emergency and needs mental health or substance use treatment immediately, go to the nearest emergency room or call the Mental Health/Drug Abuse Hotline at 800-731-8529. Someone will help your teen get care right away.

Mental wellness can impact our thoughts, feelings, and actions, and it is an important part of maintaining a healthy life.

Millions of young adults experience a mental or substance use condition without knowing it. Many do not recognize the symptoms and do not ask for help because of that. It is important to remember that asking for help is normal.

Visit our Mental Health page if you would like to learn more about mental wellness and how to get care for your teen. Here are additional resources:

Transitioning to Adult Care

As your teen grows older, moves out and/or heads to college, they are going to need to take charge of their own health. Below you will find guides to help you transition your teen from child to adult care.

Questions to ask Pediatric Doctor:

Use this downloadable PDF and share with your teen. This will teach your teen to be comfortable with asking their provider questions about their health care. Click here to download the PDF.

Steps to transition to Adult Care:

Use these downloadable PDFs and share with your teen. This will help your teen transition to adult care and help your teen take charge of their own health care. 

Steps to transition to Adult Care 16-Year Old

Learn more

Steps to transition to Adult Care 18-Year Old

Learn more
Healthy Rewards Program

Healthy Rewards Program

At Texas Children’s Health Plan, we offer extra benefits and reward members for keeping track of their health! Here are just a few rewards you and your teen can earn:

Cervical Cancer Screening Reward

Young Adult Wellness Visit Reward

24-Hour Nurse Helpline

Transportation Services

Learn more